Sunday, November 11, 2007

Parent/Teacher Conference!!!

I had my first parent/teacher conference with Kaleigh's teacher, Mrs. Nehls from Good Shepherd! Tim picked up the kids because I had a meeting at school which meant I had to stay late! My conference began at 6:30, so instead of dragging the kids out so late, I went by myself. I have always said that I love her classroom because it is so busy and there is so much stimulation for the kids! Well, of course, I was not nervous about meeting with her teacher because I anticipated a good report which is what I got! Kaleigh is a great that always listens, is good at following directions, and is always helping other kids! She said that Kaleigh really enjoys story time and can remember better than most adults! I got to see a folder filled with some pictures and things that she has done...working with the alphabet, her numbers, and coloring and cutting pictures! Boy, she does a great job! Mrs. Nehls thinks Kaleigh will definately be ready for kindergarten next year! She also said that she believes Kaleigh has a gift for music. We all know that she loves to sing, and Mrs. Nehls said she belts it out at school too and can even sing on pitch, which she said most kids at her age can't do. She thinks we need to sign Kaleigh up for piano or violin lessons or something along those lines because she feels she would do really well!!! I was so excited to hear all of these great things...I felt so proud of her!!! Way to go, baby!!!

Outside Play!!!

I can't keep these two inside when the weather is nice!!! They love to play outside!!! And lucky for me, they usually get along great!!!

Kids are always creating concoctions...this is the sand and water table without the legs that was filled with water...but Kaleigh and Parker were mixing rocks and leaves and dirt!!!

Notice the golf club in his hand...he carries this around a lot when they are outside!!!

Parker noticed Oliver sitting inside the door watching them play outside...and apparently wanted to rub it in his face!!!

Kaleigh's Talent Show!!!

Kaleigh participated in a Talent Show at her school! But I will warn you...the pictures did not turn out very well! There was something wrong with the flash!
Here she is before we left...ready to go! Nana, Aunt Shirley and Parker joined me to cheer her on!!!

If you look past the others, Kaleigh is standing in line waiting to go on stage! And yes, that is a KFC bucket on her head!

She is the second on the left! Kaleigh and the other kids in her class dressed up with Pizza Hut boxes and KFC buckets on their heads! They sang a song all about the restaurants around town...ask her to sing it for was so cute!!!

This is the second grade performance!

Nana and Parker loved watching Kaleigh on stage! Go Sissy!!!

Pumpkin Carving!!!

Tonight was the night for carving our pumpkins! Kaleigh was very excited to get started!

Although, this picture of Tim with the knife looks kinda creepy...Kaleigh did need help to get the top off!!!

Mine all mine!!!

Boy the inside sure does look gross!!!

In order for Kaleigh to clean out the inside, Daddy wrapped the kitchen table in saran wrap...and MOST of the yucky stuff stayed on it!!! However, she did flick quite a bit on the floor! All in the name of fun!!!


Here she is drawing the face she wanted!

And on the second pumpkin, she traces a pattern!

What concentration!!!
She actually did some of the cutting herself...very carefully!

And here is the artist and her masterpieces!!! Beautiful jack-o-lanterns!!!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!

We went to Grandma and Poppy's again for Trick or Treating this year so Kaleigh and Parker could go with some of their cousins! They of course had a great time! Afterward, we celebrated Abbey's 7th birthday!!!
Many of you may not agree...but this costume was very fitting for our "little devil"!

He even carried his pitchfork around all night!!!

Kaleigh was our little princess!!! Doesn't she look beautiful with her tiara and magic wand!!!

And this is the whole bunch (with the exception of Ty and Molly...too old of course)!

Delaney the Cheerleader!

David was Spiderman!

Abbey is Pocahontas!

And Dawson is an official member of the S.W.A.T. team!

The girls always have a good time when they get together! They were old pros at Trick or Treating!!!

I still think Parker needs a little practice! He tried to be a good samaritan and a couple of times gave candy back to the people who came to the door! He'll get the hang of it soon enough!

What a cutie!!!

This is Abbey with her birthday candles this time!
Happy Birthday, Abbey!

It has become a little tradition on birthdays for Daddy to sing Happy Birthday during the blowing out of candles on the cake! However, he really likes to be noticed, so unfortunately for the rest of us, he belts it out at the top of his lungs and makes all of the kids laugh!

Here Parker is singing and dancing along!
Another great Halloween!!!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Kaleigh's First Day of Preschool!!!

This is Kaleigh on the day she started at Good Shepherd!!! Doesn't she look like such a big girl with her bookbag!!!

She was so excited that she was even taking pictures of herself!!!

In the mornings, she attends their latchkey program which is where these pictures were taken!!! She is simply testing the waters and looking around the room at all of the toys!

She didn't mind that I made her stop and pose for a few pictures!!! Otherwise, I tried to be a fly on the wall and just let her get used to being there!!!

She did find several toys that she liked...including this princess castle! They also have a TV and a library of books! And plenty of table space for her to color and draw pictures!

It is about time to head up to her classroom, so she got her bookbag and looks ready to go!

When the latchkey teacher asked them to line up, Kaleigh did exactly what she was told! This picture about made me cry! Look at all of those boys around our sweet little angel!!!

Here she is walking up the stairs to her classroom!

I got to stay awhile and Kaleigh's teacher, Mrs. Nehls, let her show me around the room. They have a fish tank that she was very excited about!

And the first thing they are asked to do when they come in is to sit with a table activity...of course, Kaleigh chooses the bugs!!! Then it was time for me to leave; I think I was more upset than Kaleigh...she waved goodbye and that was that!!!

After her first day was over, we went out to lunch before picking up Parker! We met with Kaleigh's friend, Grant, and his mom, Stephanie at Steak N' Shake! Grant is in Kaleigh's class which I think made it a bit easier for both of us!!! He is a long time friend that grew up with her at Barbie's Playhouse!!!