Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!!!

Our little monsters!!!
As you can see, our big guy was a tiger this year for Halloween!!! Isn't he so cute!!!
Kaleigh sure loved her horse costume this year too! It looks like one of her stuffed animals at home!
She wore this costume around the house for days before and after Halloween!!!
This is her politely saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you" at the doors!
And this is her running away with her "goodies!"
The skeleton is Kaleigh's cousin...little David!
The witch is Abbey!
Delaney is the cheerleader and Dawson is the race car driver!
Ty is the baseball player that did not want his picture taken! But I got him anyway!

And this is most of the gang when we returned to Grandma and Poppy's house! The smiles indicate they were allowed to eat some of the candy they received!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

State Farm Park Outing

Kaleigh thought it would be funny to put on part of Daddy's costume!

As the team manager, Tim was nominated to take part in a relay race that involved a grass skirt, coconut shells, and of course, whip cream!
Daddy and Kaleigh were feeding the swans in the lake!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Parker after Bath Time

Soooooo BIG!!!

I love taking my bath!!!

Hold me back, Daddy, hold me back!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Just a few miscellaneous photos!

Kaleigh is wearing her new jacket that she got for her birthday...all ready for pre-school!
And this is a Halloween shirt she liked!
This is one of mommy's favorite pictures (right now)!

Silly boy!

We will have to use this picture later to make certain they knew at one time they did like each other!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

A Day at Tanner's

Kaleigh got to ride the "barrel train" through the orchard! She loved it!!! Tim and I were a little scared about how she liked the driving aspect so much!

One of Kaleigh's favorite parts, of course, was getting to ride the horses! Can anyone guess what she named her horse...Princess!

Parker had a great time too...although I don't think he had nearly as much fun as Kaleigh!

Kaleigh got pretty brave climbing the rock wall, sliding down the big slides and running and jumping around on the hay bales!

More Pictures from Tanner's

Kaleigh had a chance to climb on a Pirate Ship, an Airplane, a couple of Trains and a School Bus!

Kaleigh wanted to feed ALL of the animals!!!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Dawson and Delaney's Birthday Party

Kaleigh is wearing one of her new birthday outfits! She doesn't like to be called "cute" anymore...so doesn't she look "gorgeous!" We are getting ready to walk over to Dawson and Delaney's birthday party!
Three generations of Erxleben men! Boy is the world in trouble!!!

Opening presents is always everybody's favorite part!
Kaleigh believes that Uncle Fisher is no match for her!!!

Here are a few pictures from Dawson and Delaney's birthday party...Kaleigh had such a great time!!! She loves getting together with her cousins to play! Aunt Kimm and Uncle Dee made chili for everyone...although Kaleigh barely slowed down long enough to eat! So many toys to play with, so little time! However, cake was definitely on the menu!