Parent/Teacher Conference!!!
I had my first parent/teacher conference with Kaleigh's teacher, Mrs. Nehls from Good Shepherd! Tim picked up the kids because I had a meeting at school which meant I had to stay late! My conference began at 6:30, so instead of dragging the kids out so late, I went by myself. I have always said that I love her classroom because it is so busy and there is so much stimulation for the kids! Well, of course, I was not nervous about meeting with her teacher because I anticipated a good report which is what I got! Kaleigh is a great that always listens, is good at following directions, and is always helping other kids! She said that Kaleigh really enjoys story time and can remember better than most adults! I got to see a folder filled with some pictures and things that she has done...working with the alphabet, her numbers, and coloring and cutting pictures! Boy, she does a great job! Mrs. Nehls thinks Kaleigh will definately be ready for kindergarten next year! She also said that she believes Kaleigh has a gift for music. We all know that she loves to sing, and Mrs. Nehls said she belts it out at school too and can even sing on pitch, which she said most kids at her age can't do. She thinks we need to sign Kaleigh up for piano or violin lessons or something along those lines because she feels she would do really well!!! I was so excited to hear all of these great things...I felt so proud of her!!! Way to go, baby!!!